Game Of Thrones: 10 Things That Ruined The Series

Game of Thrones no longer feels quite as watertight and consistent as it did a couple of years ago.

By Tom Butler /

Song of Ice and Fire was never going to be an easy series to adapt into a television show. In fact, thanks to the multitude of characters, complex history, and massive geography involved, many claimed that an adaptation of George R. R. Martin's epic would be impossible. Despite this, HBO's Game of Thrones Season 1 blew away even the most ardent naysayer, when it premiered back in 2011. Beautifully shot, respectful of the source material, and featuring some fantastic performances, Game of Thrones remains hugely popular among both book readers and show watchers to this day. However, with the increased complexity and amount of plot that needs to be crammed in each episode, some cracks are beginning to show. While the show still tends to do more right than wrong, season three and four have seen some highly questionable decisions from the show runners. While the last two seasons have borne witness to a few of the show's finest moments, Game of Thrones no longer feels quite as watertight and consistent as it did a couple of years ago. From bizarre characterization to underwhelming revelations, this list takes a look at some the things that the show has handled poorly in recent seasons. Please note that this list contains spoilers for both the show and the books, so read ahead with caution...