Game Of Thrones: 5 Characters We Can’t Believe They Cut

By Adam Holmes /

With any adaptation of books, you're going to need to change certain aspects of the story to match the medium you're writing for. This is no different for the TV show Game of Thrones. These are massive books that stretch for hundreds and even thousands of pages. For a ten episode season on HBO, it makes sense that the writers would need to adjust things not only for time constraints, but also make the show stand on its own. As a fan of both the books and the show, I have to admit that the show has done remarkably well adapting the books. They've not only managed to keep the essential plot points the same, but spiced things up by changing several parts of the narrative. Whether it's slightly adjusting the behavior of a character, putting two characters together who never interacted in the book, or creating entirely new situations for the characters to deal with, it's gotten to the point where I stay away from spoilers on the Internet because it's possible that something happens in a future episode that didn't happen in the book, and I want to be surprise when I see it. Still, not everything has been adapted right for the TV show. As the title of this article suggests, sometimes characters from the book have been cut for the TV show. Now, I don't have a problem when extremely minor characters are cut, such as a servant or soldier only mentioned a couple of times. With a cast as big as Game of Thrones, you have to be careful how many new names you throw out at the viewers. However, when it comes to these characters, they were left out reasons that don't make much sense. In a couple cases, we even had substitutions for characters, with the new character playing the same role as their book counterpart, but their names, backstories and personalities were altered. I'm all for wanting to go in different directions for the TV show, but there are some cases where it's a mistake leave out certain parts of the books. These characters are people who may not have played extremely important roles in the story, but they did have roles that were significant overall. I will say that for a few of the characters on this list, it's still possible that they could be introduced in later seasons through different channels. As of the time of this article, however, it's doubtful this will happen, and for the rest of the characters, they've either been substituted or forced out to the point where it's impossible to ever see them on screen. So, without further ado, here are five book characters that were surprisingly cut from the TV show. I'll state right now that there will be spoilers for the books at this point forward.