Game Of Thrones Season 4: 12 Characters Who Could Steal The Show

From old favourites to new stagers and the originally-underwhelming, here's who could set Westeros alight this season.

By Christopher Robertson /

Warning: SPOILERS of course. The wait is almost over. In just a little over a week the hotly anticipated new season to the hit series, Game of Thrones, will finally arrive. Viewers at home can obviously expect another season of twists, turns, and of course, shocking deaths. But before everyone starts dying, let€™s take a look at old characters and new. A few old characters have been in the dark waiting for their time to shine, and they€™ve been patient enough. Now, with the second half of A Storm of Swords receiving it adaptation this season, many past side characters will receive their fair share of the limelight, and that's important. In Thrones, you should always remember a character €“ a supposedly non-important one could be and do the exact opposite of what you€™d expect, become a wrench in someone€™s plans or suddenly turn the table. Threatening their spotlight though, are new characters looking to make their mark on audiences mind. Fan favorite Oberyn Martell has finally arrived in Kings Landing and is sure to make a lasting impression on an expectant audience. Along with him are the additions of Mace Tyrell, father of Loras and Margaery, Tycho Nestoris, a representative of the Iron Bank of Bravos, Ellaria Sand, the paramour of Oberyn, and Hizdahr zo Loraq, a character you will become familiar with in future seasons. The characters in this list are either new like the aforementioned or ones who have not yet shined or haven€™t been memorable in a while. You won€™t see any Lannisters, Daenerys, or others alike here. After all, how can they steal the show when they already own it? Maybe it's time to let someone else take a turn. After the Red Wedding, a few new positions just opened up.