HBO Developing Watchmen TV Series With Damon Lindelof

Who watches the Watchmen? HBO is hoping you will do.

By James Hunt /

Warner Bros./Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

HBO wants to get in on the superhero action - and Damon Lindelof is the man tasked with the job.


With The Leftovers' critically-acclaimed run coming to an end, the cable channel are reportedly making a move to keep him in the family with a comic book adaptation. Not just any comic book either, but Alan Moore's seminal Watchmen series.

The movie was adapted into a divisive feature film by Zack Snyder in 2009, and HBO were previously developing another take on it a couple of years ago, with Snyder himself involved, but those talks didn't amount to anything.


There was also Adi Shankar's Gods and Secrets, which was said to be heavily inspired by Watchmen, though there's been little word on that recently.

This is a new version independent of those previous efforts, although according to Deadline talks are in a very preliminary stage right now. Lindelof has spoken in the past of his love for the series, and after his work on The Leftovers he's a natural choice for HBO.


Quite what form the series would take is unclear at this point. Will it be a relatively straightforward adaptation of the graphic novel? A take on the preqeul series, Before Watchmen? Something that blends the two, or adds in plenty of new material?

Whatever route they go down, with more time than a movie to tell its story, TV could be a better fit than the cinema was.


Would you like to see a Watchmen TV series? Share your thoughts down in the comments.