HBO Max's Green Lantern TV Series To Be Rated TV-MA?

Fans, get ready for a large dose of "profanity and violence"

By Luca Carbonaro /

DC Comics

The Green Lantern TV Series for HBO Max is one of the most anticipated projects by fans of DC Comics. Executive producer Marc Guggenheim previously said that the show has the ambitions of a movie and now there's an interesting report about its tone.


According to The Direct, The Green Lantern series will have a TV-MA rating and present a large dose of profanity and violence. If the report is correct, Warner Bros. may want to capitalize on Watchmen's success and present this show to a mature audience, shifting from the lighter tone of Ryan Reynolds' movie.

The Direct also stated that the main characters of the series will square off against the Dominators, a greedy alien race responsible for the Invasion! comic book storyline, loosely adapted by a crossover event in the Arrowverse.


There is also going to be an all new female Green Lantern, called Bree Jarta, and two Green Lanterns, Alan Scott and Guy Gardner, living in two time periods within the show.

At this time a release date for the series hasn't yet been set in stone yet, but fans are eager to know the casting and see the first pictures.
