HBO's Watchmen TV Show: 8 Reasons To Be Excited

Who watches the Watchmen? Why not you?

By Kevin McCasland /

Considering the iconic nature of the source material, it's surprising to realize that Damon Lindelof's upcoming Watchmen series on HBO is only the second adaptation of the acclaimed graphic novel. Zack Snyder's 2009 live-action take may have been divisive, but it still managed to bring the comic book pages to life in a way few could've expected, serving as the most faithful adaptation that fans will ever receive.


However, this Watchmen series will be far from Snyder's vision. Lindelof and HBO intend to stray considerably from what's come before and make something more unfamiliar. Using the world of Watchmen (and an unknown amount of its characters), Lindelof is crafting a show that will focus on never-before-seen characters and plotlines. Whether they're normal people living in the broken reality set in motion by the formerly-active masked vigilantes or aspiring caped crusaders, this world sets a strong foundation for a show to build on.

And with the confirmed on-screen talent involved, as well as Lindelof's leadership position, Watchmen has the potential to add to HBO's long history of excellence. Now more than ever, comic book shows can reach a level of artistry that was previously limited to the drawn page. If any series is capable of that, it's one based on Alan Moore's most famous work.

8. It's On HBO

As the years have passed, few entertainment brands have made their name synonymous with quality like HBO has. After all, they've been responsible for producing a wide array of classic shows like The Sopranos, The Wire, and Game Of Thrones just to name a few. That's why when this project was confirmed to be an HBO project, there was a great deal of legitimacy automatically attached to it.


After all, it's not like it's just another seemingly mass-produced Netflix Original Series. HBO clearly picks their projects carefully and would only commit to a higher-budgeted show if they believed it'd strengthen their brand further. Besides, an uncompromisingly brutal depiction of an alternate reality society sounds right up HBO's area of expertise, with The Wire and (on a less serious note) Curb Your Enthusiasm serving as great commentaries on modern America.

Watchmen would have a rather unique opportunity of tackling social messages through a grim comic book lens. A rather fitting tactic considering today's love for superheroes and villainous characters alike in movies and shows. It's something entirely new from anything HBO has done before, and that fact likely isn't lost on the company either. Expect great things.
