If Margaery From Game Of Thrones Had Instagram

Low cut dresses and marrying kings; these are a few of my favourite things.

By Alaina Urquhart-White /

Margaery Tyrell may be one of the many players in the game of thrones, but she certainly possesses enough cunning and intelligence to overstep many of those seemingly more powerful players around her. This is a woman with heavy handed ambition, a woman who won't stop playing the game until she gets what she craves. Margaery doesn't desire to be a queen, she desires to be the queen. Becoming affianced to King Joffrey was a bold move for Margaery. Not only was Joffrey supremely sadistic and cruel, he was also already engaged to marry Sansa Stark. Fortunately, Margaery isn't really concerned with all of that because she knows how to manipulate anyone with ease. Girlfriend simply threw on some provocative dresses and feigned interest in some of Joffrey's hobbies, like crossbows and murder. The psychotic little beast didn't even know what hit him. After Joffrey's death at their wedding, Margaery wasted no time subtly seducing his younger brother (and next in line to the throne), Tommen. Of course, Margaery isn't without a dream team to carry her down the path to power. Her grandmother, Olenna, possesses an even more impressive knack for manipulation and brilliance than she does. Together, they make sure that the Tyrell family stands securely at the top of the food chain and they aren't afraid of the lengths that they must go to ensure that. Margaery pulls no punches and does her dirty work with a sweet smile stretched across her face. Imagine viewing the world through the eyes of this beautiful con-woman. Well lucky for you, her Instagram can offer some insight into her often risky path to being queen. Take a peek.