Invincible: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

Which Guardians of the Globe, Teen Teamers or ordinary folk made the best first impressions?!

By Michael John-Day /

Saying that the superhero genre is over-saturated is like saying Star Wars is set in space; everybody already knows. While the thirst for beings with godly powers fighting for the protection of those around them won't dry out for some time, it's safe to say that people don't want to see the same thing everywhere they look.


Plenty of shows try to dispel the trivialization of spandex and capes, but they often fall into the same potholes by being too far removed from the genre itself. However, this animated series from Amazon Studios does a great job of tightrope walking between the tropes of the genre and the tropes of going against the genre.

It's an exhilarating show that gives you something fresh and unique but doesn't try to make you look at superheroes through an entirely new lens. Part of how it achieves this is through the characters.

The people in this show are fantastic, whether they're superpowered or not. But, some do it better than others. By looking at which characters made the best impression, had the most significant impact on the plot and became the most memorable, we can see what makes this series such an impressive feat.


This list will contain spoilers.

13. Shrinking Ray

Before Marvel brought Ant-Man to the big screen, the superpower of shrinking and growing back to your regular size was pretty laughable, as how could anyone use such a skill to battle baddies? However, Scott Lang's turn in the movie brought a legitimate sense of coolness to this traditionally lame superpower. Now, Shrinking Ray comes along and works to damage that reputation.


As a character, Shrinking Ray quite easily makes it to the bottom of this list, and it's not just because her power is incredibly lacklustre compared to the other Guardians of the Globe. The biggest issue with her comes from the fact that you learn nothing about her. She's a bland and underdeveloped role with the same attention as a henchman in an action flick. She gets barely any dialogue, and you're not given a single reason as to why you should invest in her.

Ray doesn't even get the luxury of looking cool, as her costume design is made up of secondary colours that cause her to blend into the background most of the time. She has no distinct visual or personal flair, and that's why she falls right to the bottom.
