Legion: 11 Questions Left By The Weirdest Marvel TV Show Ever

When's Professor X gonna show?

By Christian Bone /

It's fair to say that the first season of Legion was a raving success. With its surreal tone, the constant playing with the audience's expectations, and its refusal to conform to normal superhero TV rules, Legion was totally unlike any other comic book television experience.


One of its strengths is that it teased numerous questions throughout its run, and managed to answer a lot of the most important ones by the time the eight episodes were up. We found out what the Devil with the Yellow Eyes really is, what happened to Melanie's husband Oliver, and even a little about David's origins.

However, the final episode also left several key questions unexplained, plus it created some juicy new ones to boot. From that perplexing mid-credits scene to the truth about David's parentage, we have a lot of things that are gnawing on our minds like some kind of crazed, demonic Aubrey Plaza.

So let's have a look at the 11 biggest questions we had after watching the weirdest superhero show on the air - and try to come up with some answers for them where we can.

11. When Will Season 2 Air?

Well, firstly, the question we immediately want to know after watching the first season is simple: when will it come back? Legion's oddball nature could mean that it takes a while to return and its showrunner Noah Hawley and star Dan Stevens are both incredibly busy - Hawley is also working on Fargo and Stevens seems to popping up everywhere lately.


Thankfully, we sort of have an answer for this question and it's a welcome one. "I think our goal is to hit the same air date next year," Hawley has said, to the delight of fans. Let's hope he's right on that one.

It's also worth noting that Legion's sophomore run will be two episodes longer than season one, as it will be increased to 10 episodes.
