Netflix Confirm Marvel's The Punisher For 2017

Frank Castle is both haunted and hunted.

By Simon Gallagher /


It shouldn't come as too much of a surprise, but Netflix have seemingly confirmed the expected release year for The Punisher stand-alone series. The platform's official app revealed that the show is indeed coming in 2017, and offered a brief overall outline for the show...


The site has seen information leaked out early thanks to some clever sorts digging at the code (they revealed Daredevil's red suit and the episode titles for Jessica Jones), but this isn't really on the same scale.

Interestingly, this means Netflix are happy to do at least 3 series in 2017, with Iron Fist coming early and then the shorter run The Defenders ensemble as well. The Punisher will no doubt come after that, before Jessica Jones season 2 and Daredevil season 3 in 2018. I'd also expect a second season for both of Luke Cage and Iron Fist to go into production immediately following their screenings (schedules allowing) and another The Defenders if that works out.


In other words, Netflix are going to be very very busy.