Parks & Recreation: 30 Behind The Scenes Shots You Need To See

Rare pics from the people of the greatest town in America.

By Mitch Nickelson /

Parks & Recreation debuted on NBC in 2009 to little fanfare. Launched by the same people who made the U.S. version of The Office, the show received mixed reviews as it struggled to find its identity. The show creators adapted and from Season 2 onward the most central character, Leslie Knope, became more of an intelligent and respectable leader. No longer the bumbling fool, Amy Poehler's character was now far more than a Michael Scott clone. She was now a capable leader who just might have the potential to conquer the world. The supporting cast turned out to be a pool of unbelievable talent as well. Nick Offerman became the icon of a man Ron Swanson. Aubrey Plaza and Aziz Ansari became some of the more exciting young stars in Hollywood. And possibly the most unexpected surprise was Chris Pratt's rise to summer movie super-stardom. Now that the show has officially ended and the actors and actresses have begun to move on to the next chapters in their careers, fans still pine for the lovable locales of Pawnee, Indiana. There are six seasons of episodes to go back and rewatch but there are also behind the scenes moments that are unseen to many. The following 30 images should bring back fond memories to the fans of one of the most politically savvy comedies of the recent age of television...

30. Chilling With McCain

Arizona Senator and former Presidential hopeful John McCain has made more than one guest appearance on the show.


Amy Poehler and Aubrey Plaza smile with him during his appearance from the final season.
