Rick & Morty: 10 Ways We're All Like Morty

Everyone has a little bit of Morty inside of them. Even you.

By Erik Ruiz /

Rick & Morty is easily considered one of the greatest animated shows of all time. It even competes against the behemoths that are Family Guy and The Simpsons. The show has many redeeming qualities ranging from animation, action, heart, and even some commonality with us in our universe.


Yes, you read that right. There are many things in Rick & Morty that we might relate to and there are certain characters that will have some things in common with us. Except for Jerry, no one wants to have things in common with Jerry.

Now, let us see how we are all like our favorite grandson Morty.

10. A Dysfunctional Family

Rick & Morty is notorious for all the chaos that happens in the Smith household. Yes, some of it might be very farfetched given the fact that no one I know has a grandfather with a portal gun. But I am talking about everyone else in the house.


Eventually, Beth and Jerry go through a divorce that leaves the kids Morty and Summer awkwardly in the middle. Divorce is unfortunately a very normal thing in the United States that leaves children having to side with either parent.

Even with Summer and Morty, they seem to have a good relationship on the surface but that is only half of the truth. Morty verbally and visually shows frustration with how basic Summer can be and Summer has issues with the fact that Morty always puts Rick and his adventures first.
