Ricky Gervais Planning AN IDIOT ABROAD: THE BUCKET LIST For Karl Pilkington

By Laurent Kelly /

Ricky Gervais has refused to reveal much in the way of details on his blog but has confirmed that there will most likely be a sequel to last year's popular documentary An Idiot Abroad which followed the adventures of his friend/victim Karl Pilkington as he reluctantly travelled the globe to see the world's seven natural wonders. The round headed phenomenon it seems will return for An Idiot Abroad: The Bucket List which plans to show Karl experiencing a number of activities that people apparently must do before they €œkick the bucket.€ You know, like in that God-awful Rob Reiner movie. Despite his rapidly growing fame Karl Pilkington still feels most in his element when performing household chores and according to onthebox.com has apparently been far more inquisitive about a potential sequel given the amount of shocks he endured during the original broadcast;
€œHe€™s asking a lot more questions about the trips than he did last year,€ blogged Ricky Gervais, the man behind the new show. €œHe wants a guarantee of nicer toilets.€
Given that he accomplished a ratio of almost a moan every 10 seconds on the original show I am surprised that Karl has considered returning for a follow up although during a recent phone conversation with Richard Bacon on Radio Five Live he used one of his obscure, trademark analogies to admit that on reflection he thinks the experience has done him some good;
€œ..I was still a bit angry about the kidnap scene and being ill and all that, whereas now I can appreciate it a bit more... and it's weird how there is a bit of me that is really glad that I did it and the more that you do something even if you don't like the idea of it, the more you sort of... it's like olives, I never used to like olives until someone said have four in a row and you get a taste for them.€
I'm sure we all know the feeling. In the interview Karl also expressed annoyance about being named Heat Magazine's Unlikely Crush of the Year especially when he €œknocks about with Steve Merchant€ whom Karl has always teased about his looks and who old XFM listeners will remember as being named an €œunlikely lust object€. There is, unquestionably, a heavy public demand for a sequel to An Idiot Abroad given that the DVD release has sold half a million copies in the UK alone and has been Sky 1's highest rated show of the past two years and we are all glad to hear it could even film this year. Whilst Karl may be up for the challenge of a sequel one thing that I'm sure he'll tussle with Ricky over is the show's title. Having initally been told that the original programme would be called Karl's Seven Wonders he was devestated to discover that it had been changed to An Idiot Abroad and has become frustrated with being recognised and called €œidiot€ by various passers by.And in truth whilst it may be amusing it is unfair to merely label a unique individual like Karl Pilkington as an idiot. He may say some very odd things but he is also an extremely funny man in his own right and comes up with the type of one liners that stand up comedians would die for. The man is a natural but unlike David Brent, he's a reluctant entertainer and when placed in extreme situations I'm not sure that there is anything more side-splitting.