By Matt Holmes /

Three interesting tidbits to come out of The Walking Dead panel; 1) The series is being 'simultaneously launched all over the globe' (so U.K. and U.S. day & date perhaps?) in what is the most ambitious 'event' showcase in recent television history. 2) That Frank Darabont wants to sign-up some legendary horror directors to helm episodes in future seasons (presumably George A. Romero would be one). 3) That he has convinced AMC to allow him extra time to convert the pilot (and possibly the whole season, if it catches on) in black-and-white for it's DVD release. You may remember he originally wanted to adapt Stephen King's novel The Mist in B&W, but instead The Weinsteins/MGM forced him to go full colour, leaving the B&W version on the DVD.I will admit, it's a little weird seeing a story I'm so familiar with in B&W, now in big colour and I do think it has weakened the scare factor of the comics a tad, but still the trailer looks great.