Sean Bean Return In Game Of Thrones a ''Possibility''

"It's a possibility, there is some mention of flashback with Ned Stark so that'd be nice, just to pop in again and get me crackle on."

By Amarpal Biring /


After the expected news that Game Of Thrones has been renewed for a third season, actor Sean Bean has revealed a return for him in the show is also a ''possibility'' a flashback. He told The Hollywood Reporter;

"It's a possibility, there is some mention of flashback with Ned Stark so that'd be nice, just to pop in again and get me crackle on."

He's also said that hes enjoying the second season;

''It's great! I just thought, I should get back in it again. I know that's a really stupid thing to say. [Laughs] I've been very impressed by it. Lena Headey, she's wonderful in it, Peter is great.''

Sean Bean was killed off by Joffrey in a dramatic, jaw dropping twist in the first season. More Bean in any capacity in Game Of Thrones will be welcomed by fans.

Sean Bean is currently staring in a new TV Series, 'Missing' in which he plays a CIA officer. The show has just started airing in America and has got very positive reviews so its only a matter of time before its picked up by a British broadcaster.


Bean also laughed about the number of death scenes hes has had to endure in his career;

[Laughs] I'll have to remember that: I'm a really good dier. I've been fortunate that I've a lot of good heroic deaths.

A Sean Bean death reel can bee seen below.
