Star Trek: 10 Most Underrated Characters

Can they get some non-holosuite love from anyone?

By Racan Souiedan /

When it comes to memorable characters, the Star Trek universe is an embarrassment of riches. From Kirk and Spock to Picard and Data, audiences experience Star Trek's image of the future through some of television's most iconic characters. We're spoiled, to say the least.


Yet with so many great characters to choose from, somebody's bound to be forgotten. Even among Star Trek's series regulars, certain characters felt neglected by writers and fans, or in some cases, both. That's ignoring the outright bile directed at a few of Star Trek's supporting players through alt.wesley.crusher.die.die.die and the like. From hell's heart, they stabbed at thee, all right.

Aside from the occasional story arc being thrown at them like scraps to a targ, these characters were usually relegated to Starfleet's bench. Always a synthale, never an ale - or something like that. When they were an episode's primary focus, audiences often resented their presence - because reasons?

Despite facing ill will and patchy writing, these characters still reached the stars, eventually becoming integral parts of their respective series. They might be underrated, but they deserve plenty of admiration.

Here are 10 of the Star Trek franchise's unsung heroes.

10. Dr. Phlox

Enterprise's chief medical officer embodied so many of Starfleet's best qualities, yet he's often overlooked on account of the show's lacklustre run. What a shame.


Phlox's calm demeanor and excellent bed-side manner made him one of the Star Trek franchise's most skilled physicians. With grace under pressure like his, if given the choice, we'd all be lining up for hyposprays at the Phlox Clinic.

Never one to pass judgment on other cultures, his inquisitive and open-minded spirit would be the envy of any Federation diplomat. Eat your heart out, Ambassador Spock.

Phlox's Denobulan culture and physiology, especially his multiple wives and penchant for playing matchmaker, led to some hilarious moments about the Enterprise NX-01. From his rude awakening from hibernation to seeing him puff up like a blowfish, Phlox is one of the Star Trek universe's best-kept secrets.

Who can ever forget Phlox practically shaming Commander Tucker for not doing the nasty with his wife Feezal? Your loss, mate.
