Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Q Continuum

Interesting things Starfleet has learned about the universe's most powerful species.

By Marcia Fry /

The Q Continuum are perhaps the most powerful alien species in Trek.


They can command near limitless control over all space, time, matter, and energy, able to create and destroy life at will, change fundamental constants of the universe, and create entire realities.

The Continuum first appeared when Q put humanity on trial for our destructive nature in the first episode of The Next Generation, Encounter At Farpoint. Aside from TNG, the Continuum showed up in Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and recently in Star Trek: Picard and Lower Decks, yet the true nature of the Continuum remains largely unknown.

Throughout their many appearances in Trek, we've learned a lot of small details that may help us to better understand who the Q really are. In this list, let’s take a look at some of these secrets Starfleet has managed to uncover over the years.

10. The Limitations Of Their Powers

While the Q may claim to be truly omnipotent (or, all-powerful) and omniscient (or, all-knowing), their powers actually do have some limitations.


For starters, a Q may not go against the wishes of the Continuum. Q, Quinn, Q Junior, and Amanda Rogers' parents have all been punished by the Continuum for going against their wishes. These punishments ranged from exile, to being turned into a lower life form, or even execution on rare occasions.

Qs are also not truly all-knowing, as they have been surprised on many occasions. Q was shocked to meet Guinan on the Enterprise-D in Q Who, suggesting that he was unaware of her presence until that moment. As we'll discuss later, the Q were also caught off-guard by Quinn's rebellion and the revelation that they could die by natural causes.

As far as we can tell, a Q at full power, with the support of the Continuum, can basically do or create anything. They possess full control over space, matter, time, and energy. Yet, despite this, their intelligence and ability to foresee the future definitely have limits.
