Star Trek: How Wrong Was Worf?!

Never has one Starfleet officer been denied, and his opinion rejected so much as poor Lt Worf. Maybe that's why he was so grumpy?

By Simon Gallagher /

It takes a real fan (or a real geek) to draw attention to something that's so obvious that it goes completely under the radar in many other fans. In this case, that blatant feature is how often Worf's option is rejected on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, even when his appears to be the logical solution to the situation. Here's a wonderful, fan-made video showing off the many times it happens to poor old wrinkly head... Is this a case of blatant racism against Klingons? Who can really tell, but there's definitely something fishy about the amount of times the character is denied. Makes you wonder why exactly he's even been promoted to rank... Let's face it though, given the choice between a rage-driven Klingon with some serious identity issues, and the biggest chip on his broad shoulder, and sexy Deanna Troi, immaculately bearded Will Riker, or walking super computer Data, I'd probably go for one of the others as well. Usually Data, as long as his frankly ridiculous emotion chip was disabled. You only really need to look at Star Trek: First Contact to see exactly why Worf's opinions were rejects in TNG - what sane person would try and take on the might of a Borg vessel with the Defiant - a ship which failed in its primary testing, and was deemed dangerously unstable, much like its eventual commander? This sort of serious nerdy dedication makes me feel wonderful about the level of dedication that still exists in the world, and it is mightily uplifting to know that there are others out there who obsess over discovering these entertaining, if a little disconcerting idiosyncracies as much as we do.