Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-ray Gets July UK Release & Costs £50.99

Amazon and Sainsbury's are giving a July 23rd UK release date on their websites for the first season box set.

By Amarpal Biring /


It's a big year for Star Trek The Next Generation. The show is celebrating its 25th anniversary and CBS is re-releasing the series in high definition Blu-ray after the successful test release of the four episode disc, 'Star Trek The Next Generation: The Next Level,' last January.

Amazon and Sainsbury's are giving a July 23rd UK release date on their websites for the first season box set. Sainsburys is pricing it at £50.99 and which is in line with other similar Blu-ray releases.


But this is no bog standard HD transfer. CBS have re-edited each episode precisely as it was aired from the original film negatives. And rather than up-converting the visual effects from videotape, they have been recomposed so they stand up today's standards. After that, the freshly cut film is transferred to high definition. It's refreshing to see CBS giving the series the respect it deserves, rather than just trying to make a quick buck. Respected Star Trek experts, Denise and Michael Okunda are also consultants on the project.

Executive Vice President of CBS Entertainment Ken Ross said in a statement;

€œFans have been clamoring for a high-definition release of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Transferring the series to high-definition presented difficult technical challenges, but our team has come up with a process to create true 1080p HD masters with true HD visual effects. We can€™t wait to show fans how pristine the series looks and sounds with our upcoming Blu-ray releases.€

Anyone who saw the tester Blu-ray disc will know that the episodes look stunning in high definition and I'm sure the box sets will sell really well. But the series I would really love to see receive the HD treatment is Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

The trailer for release can be seen below.
