Star Trek: The Original Series vs. The Next Generation

By Aeryk Pierson /

I love a good geek fight. No, not the fisticuffs type, though I have to admit I€™ve never witnessed one. I would be willing to part with a dollar to watch one. I€™m referring to arguments. Specifically, the kind where inflamed Comic Book Guys write things like, €œWorst. . Evar.€ Thanks to the interwebs there is no shortage of arguments. And, let€™s be honest here, we geeks are not needing for things to argue about. That is doubly so when it comes to sci-fi. And then there is Star Trek. I would like to pose a The Original Series (TOS) versus The Next Generation (TNG) question in hopes of stirring the pot. Forget all that mess about who is the better captain. That isn€™t an interesting question considering both Captains are only as strong as their weakest links. Their weakest links, on the other hand, has possibilities. So, I pose the following question: Which crew is the weakest link? Kirk€™s (TOS) or Picard€™s (TNG)? There are some weak links in both chains of command. I specifically want to examine two episodes, one from each series, which showcase just how thick both crews can be. Click "next" below to start the debate;