Star Wars Clone Wars Season 5 Trailer Looks Crazy Good

The Clone Wars returns with more Star Wars action than ever before.

By Marcus Doidge /


After the return of Maul at the end of the last season, Clone Wars returns this fall with what looks like the most exciting season yet.

Check out the newly released trailer for Season 5 below;

So it looks like Maul sticks around for some more action, a rematch with Obi-Wan and calling Count Dooku a "Sith pretender", which is very interesting stuff. Maul's take on anything post Phantom Menace really does intrigue me and the inevitable scene where Darth Sidious and Maul are reunited has to be just around the corner, right?

On top of that we have The Death Watch, a trip to Alderaan, which is a pretty cool pull for any Star Wars fan a massive looking space battle, in tune with the one seen in Revenge of the Sith, those cool Black lightsabers, some new aliens, more Savage Opress and did I mention, more Darth Maul! (I'm still not sure if he still carries the title of 'Darth'). This one looks like an action packed season and showrunner Dave Filoni is already hinting at more about Maul's resurrection, the beginnings of the Rebel Alliance and the return of Ventress, a character that went from good to great towards the end of the last season.

For me, Clone Wars is a show that keeps on getting better. It had a rocky start last season but midway through it started to feel more Star Wars than it ever has before. The animation continues to improve with each passing episode, the scale increases to places no normal animated TV show can muster and all of the writers feel very comfortable in their Star Wars skin now the animated world is fully established, having more fun with the characters and really mixing up some of the plots. Star Wars The Clone Wars returns this fall and it's looks like this is where the fun begins...