Star Wars Rebels: Ranking The Crew Of The Ghost Worst To Best

Star Wars Rebels has a colourful cast of characters, but which of the Ghost crew is better?

By Richard Flint /

Created by Star Wars veteran, Dave Filoni, Star Wars Rebels followed on from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


As the first Star Wars media to launch from Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm, Rebels had some huge boots to fill. Due to the fan favoured Clone Wars series being prematurely cancelled by Disney, Rebels was met by a certain level of hostility by hardcore fans.

All that said, the show grew to earn its place among the Star Wars greats during its later seasons thanks to an incredible writing team and a lovable cast of rogues.

Animated to echo the style of Ralph McQuarrie's original Star Wars artwork, the show was centered around the gap between Episodes III and IV and the rise of the Rebellion.

Despite the short lifespan of the show, Lucasfilm were able to bring back countless elements of lore and story from the old canon for a new audience. But not only did Filoni and co. manage to bring back some beloved Legends characters to the franchise, they also set up some amazing potential for the shows Ghost crew.

Looking at how these characters developed and how good their story arcs were, it's time to rank each member of the Ghost crew from worst to best.

7. Chopper

Starting off our list with the WORST member of the Ghost crew is Chopper.


Chopper is Rebels' answer to the lasting Star Wars trope of a sassy droid companion. Plenty of droids have taken on this role and plenty more are sure to come.

The main distinction that sets apart Chopper from the others is its two tiny hands and general unwillingness to help. Situations are often made worse by this bucket of comic relief due to its clumsy demeanor.

These behavior defects that would normally call for a new droid are down to their age. According to Rebels, Chopper had been active during the Clone Wars and, without proper maintenance, devolved into the mischievous misfit we know today.

Despite their many faults, Chopper is one of the last members of the crew to remain with Hera following the show's season four finale, and they even earned a cameo in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!

Unfortunately, Chopper doesn't really stand out too much compared to Star Wars' other droids, and so nails the lowest ranking on this list.
