Star Wars Rebels Season 3: 10 Most Anticipated Moments

What we're looking forward to the most in our next trip to a galaxy far far away...

By JG Moore /

For something that started off more aimed at children than most of the Star War universe (and yes, we do mean Lando's Puffer Pig), Rebels has grown-up a lot since the end of Season 1.


The first half of Season 3 really stepped things up a gear with the introduction of Grand Admiral Thrawn into the official canon, and a (sometimes) more adult Ezra Bridger who’s perfectly happy to mind control Imperials into killing each other and then themselves. Yikes. And if what has been shown of Season 3's second half is anything to go by, the show will keep up that momentum for the rest of the season.

The upcoming episodes look to be full of highly anticipated moments including the full Rebellion coming together, Thrawn finally choosing to strike, and the appearance of a certain Jedi Master who hasn’t gone by the name of Obi-Wan since oh before you were born. And since Star Wars is moving away from the Clone Wars era, that’s probably going to be true for some Rebels viewers in a few years.

While you mull over just how old that makes you feel, let's take a spoiler-filled dive into the things we can't wait to see when Season 3 returns.

10. Old Faces

With the sheer number of movie and Clone Wars appearances it crams in, it's a wonder that Rebels has any time for original characters. At this point, the Ghost crew are basically the space equivalent of Forrest Gump; fighting Darth Vader and Darth Maul, teaming up with Lando Calrissian, and seeking wisdom from Yoda.


This season our heroes have already crossed paths with Rogue One character Saw Gerrera, and next up is an encounter with Rebel leaders Mon Mothma and Jan Dodonna. Which actually makes a lot of sense since the show’s timeline is moving further and further towards the formation of the full Rebellion and eventually A New Hope.

Since the show brought back Forest Whittaker as Saw Gerrera for this season, fingers, claws, and tentacles are crossed that the Rogue One connection goes further and that the Rebels team have managed to get Genevieve O’Reilly and Ian McElhinney to reprise their roles as well. And yes, there is a far more important movie cameo coming up in Season 3 but, much like Rebels itself, I'll get to that.
