Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Is THIS What Happens To The Bad Batch After Order 66?

What Happened to Echo and his new squad?

By Richard Kraus /


Season 7 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars began with the Bad Batch arc. The four episode storyline follows a group of clones who came out with "desired mutations," each with their own separate ability. Their leader, Hunter, has heightened senses. The group's heavy, Wrecker, has super strength. Tech, the smartest member, can master all kinds of technology. Crosshair, an expert marksman, never misses his shot. At the end of their story, the Bad Batch gain a new member, Echo, once part of the Domino Squad, who had been captured and mutilated by the Separatists for years.


The Bad Batch take their official name, Clone Force 99, from a clone who worked in sanitation on Kamino. Despite being a "bad batcher," 99 gave his life defending his brothers and his home planet.

After Echo joins the team at the end of the season's fourth episode, Unfinished Business, the Bad Batch disappear from Clone Wars altogether. They are neither seen nor mentioned again. We never learn what happens to them after Palpatine executes Order 66.


A new fan theory may explain the fate of the Bad Batch, connecting them to Jason Aaron's Marvel Comics run. Aaron introduces an imperial squad of Stormtroopers known as Task Force 99. First appearing briefly in Star Wars 19 before a full introduction in Star Wars 21, the group, are an elite force of Special Commando Advanced Recon troopers, or SCAR troopers. Led by Sergeant Kreel, they gain notoriety for their brutality. Unlike generic stormtroopers, each member of the group has a specialty.

Since both The Bad Batch and the Task Force share the number 99, could they somehow be linked canonically? Once Order 66 struck, many of the surviving clones became Imperial Stormtroopers.


Could the Bad Batch, aka Clone Force 99, have become Task Force 99?

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