Stranger Things: 20 Best Moments

Which Stranger Things moments had us crying, laughing and loving this nerdy show even more?

By Emily Davison /

Since its debut on Netflix back in 2016, Stranger Things has taken the world by storm and still hasn’t released its hold. This unique show incorporates an enthralling blend of sci-fi, supernatural horror, drama and middle/high school antics all in one.


Set in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana, the Duffer Brothers plunge us back in time to the 1980s, where a boy has gone missing and a science conspiracy seems to be going down at a creepy lab. The appearance of a young girl with strange psychokinetic abilities spurs on a series of events where our leads discover what monsters lurk in another dark dimension.

The Duffers included countless references to 1980s pop culture, drawing inspiration from the likes of Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter, Stephen King and the experiments that took place during the Cold War.

The show is addictive for nerds, telling exciting and sometimes spine chilling stories, starring relatable characters. With the arrival of season four on the horizon, now is the perfect time to look back on all the best moments which make Stranger Things so special.

20. Max Stands Up To Billy (S2 E9: The Gate)

Season Two introduces us to feisty newcomer, Max Mayfield, and her aggressive older step-brother, Billy. Whenever the two share a scene, she is constantly being bullied, leaving Max feeling afraid and turning to her new friends for support.


This ongoing plot thread is finally given its well deserved pay off when Billy threatens the kids at the Byers house. Armed with a baseball bat covered in spikes, Max takes a stand against her tormentor in true girl power fashion, knocking her brother to the floor and putting him firmly in his place.

She even leaves her friends lost for words, but how satisfying it is to see Max finally stand up for herself!
