Supergirl Season 1: 10 Big Questions From 'Human For A Day'

Questions, questions, questions... and the Martian freakin' Manhunter!

By Andrew Pollard /

With the mid-season finale set for next week, Supergirl€™s Human for a Day outing need to lay the foundations for what is presumably a big episode next week. Was it successful in doing this? For the most part, yes, as it gave viewers one of the better episodes of its run to date. As Kara temporarily loses her powers, National City is conveniently hit by an earthquake that causes destruction and devastation. Despite her best efforts to help, the Maid of Might is helpless when it comes to assisting in the way she€™d usually be able to help, leading her to experience what it€™s like to be, err, human for a day. What was most intriguing about this episode, and what posed the biggest question going forward, was the reveal from Hank Henshaw that he wasn€™t actually Hank Henshaw. As speculated by many, yes, he is indeed a famed member of DC€™s Justice League. The Henshaw reveal was a biggie, and then as the episode came to a close we finally got to see Kara€™s evil aunt Astra return as the show sets the stall for what is hopefully a major episode next week. By the time Human for a Day came to end, though, we were left with plenty of questions that need answering...