The Flash Season 2: 10 Questions We're Asking After Family Of Rogues


By James Hunt /

After burning through a lot of setup for the season in the first two episodes, The Flash turned the heat down a little bit with the third instalment of Season 2, Family of Rogues. The reason for the terrible puns is because the show brought back Wentworth Miller for the episode, eschewing the metahuman-of-the-week formula followed in the first couple of episodes for something a little more familiar and connected to Season 1. It reintroduced Captain Cold, who's back to his old ways despite the pact with Barry, and his sister Golden Glider, who resumes her rather friendly relationship with Cisco while dealing with the little matter of having a bomb inside her head. In what may be the only divisive part of this episode, the relationship between Barry and Patty Spivot continued to develop, as she awkwardly gave him her number, and that's something that should slowly continue over the coming weeks (personally I'm already a big fan of Patty, but could imagine her dividing the audience in a similar way to Felicity on Arrow). It was another strong episode, continuing The Flash's early run of form, although it didn't deal too much with the overarching narrative of Season 2. And what hints it did drop for the future weren't exactly self-explanatory, leaving us once again in need of some answers.