The Flash Season 2: 12 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Versus Zoom'

Will the real Jay Garrick please stand up?

By James Hunt /

After yet another (mildly irritating) break, The Flash is back, and now we're all set to race to the finale of Season 2. 


Versus Zoom is the second episode of the season to feature the villain in its title, and it doesn't quite match the quality and excitement offered by its predecessor, Enter Zoom. 

Despite that, though, it's another strong outing, and a solid return for the show, especially as it moves to set up the conclusion of its sophomore year. It sheds more light on Jay Garrick/Zoom, or rather Hunter Zolomon, showcasing the backstory that turned him into an evil speed demon with the voice of the Candyman. 

That was a pretty good reveal, especially as it tied itself into Barry's own past as well, holding up a dark mirror to it, although the whole time remnant thing is a bit messy (and, for the sake of our sanity, not something I'll dive into too much here). The end wasn't particularly satisfactory, although not that surprising given there are still five episodes to get through, but there were other good moments throughout outside of the Zoom/Jay/Hunter business: Joe and Harry shared some more screentime, Wally came into things a bit more, and Cisco and Barry had an entire conversation using Star Wars as an analogy for their current situation. 

The Flash gave us some more answers, but really that just left us with more questions. 

12. What, No Mention Of The Supergirl Crossover?

Although the second Flash episode to air since the crossover with Supergirl, this was the one that takes place after it in the show's timeline. We even get to see the setup, with Barry running faster than ever before thanks to the Tachyon device, and disappearing through a breach and back in the space of a second.


It's subtly addressed when he asks "how long was I gone?', but it's never explicitly mentioned, nor does it seem he was actually away at all on Earth-1 time. Although they had more pressing matters, it still seems a little strange that he travelled to another Earth, met someone with powers arguably greater than his own, and doesn't mention it to Cisco and Caitlin.

Also, if the Tachyon device allows him to run fast enough to travel between dimensions, couldn't they have used that to get back to Earth-2, especially if Cisco didn't want to do it?
