The Flash Season 2: 5 Ups And 5 Downs Of 'Back To Normal'

Is another particle accelerator a good thing or a bad thing?

By Andrew Pollard /

After last week’s outing saw Barry Allen give up his superspeed in return for the kidnapped Wally West, this latest Flash episode focussed on a powerless Barry trying to get by with the mundane 'everyday life' stuff whilst also still doing his best to be a hero when needed.


Elsewhere, Harrison Wells looked to track down his daughter, although this would lead to him being kidnapped by a new rogue on the scene: Griffin Grey. With this troubled character having super strength, how can Team Flash take him down when their main player lacks the superpowers that make him so special?

Then there's poor Caitlin Snow, last seen having been abducted by Zoom and taken over to Earth-2. Of course, an alternative Earth means alternative characters, and it's not long before Caitlin comes face to face with the villainous Killer Frost.

It has to be said, Back to Normal was an extremely mixed bag in terms of quality. Certain parts were great, whilst other happenings felt a tad off or were simply just not all that interesting. 

As such, that lends itself nicely to the plus points and bad points of this latest episode... 

10. Downs...

Zoom’s Voice


We now know that it’s Hunter Zolomon under the Zoom mask, but one of the first real head-scratching moments of this episode centred on Zolomon’s change in voice.

When speaking to Caitlin in his full Zoom garb, Hunter’s aggressive, monstrous, almost non-human sounding voice is a truly eerie sound. Upon Caitlin refusing to speak to him when he’s in that state, Zolomon “zooms” off and returns in regular clothes and using his regular voice.

What was such a downer about all of this is that it just made no sense as to why Hunter Zolomon’s voice pattern would change so much when in or out of the Zoom outfit. Sure, the sound of the voice could change, as we’ve seen Barry Allen or even Oliver Queen do to their vocals when suited up, but for the actual pattern of his voice to differ? That just doesn’t make all that much sense.
