The Flash Season 3: 9 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Magenta' 

This episode is another sub-part outing for The Flash during its third season... NOT!

By James Hunt /

After Flashpoint (and) Paradox, the third season of The Flash really starts to get underway this week. Most of the changes to the timelines have been covered, the show has largely course-corrected, and Magenta gets things right back on track.


It's not a classic by any means, but it is the first episode of the new season that feels like it belongs to what this series should be: there's a solid villain, some well-judged moments of humour, and plenty of focus on Team Flash.

Magenta isn't going to join the ranks of the likes of Gorilla Grodd or Captain Cold, but she was a good enough bad guy for this episode, especially in the duality of the character. The show does some nice work with Barry and Iris too, finally getting to a stage where they analyse whether or not they can work as a couple, while it moves Wally closer to becoming a speedster again.

The highlight, though, is of course the re-introduction of Harry Wells. Tom Cavanagh is one of the show's biggest delights, and it's great that he's here in Season 3 at last, playing both concerned parent and scientist happy to call Barry an idiot (which is better than literally anyone else calling Barry an idiot).

It's not back to its best yet, but things are progressing nicely, and there's plenty to ponder on going forwards.

9. How Long Will Jesse And Harry Stick Around For?

As mentioned, the strongest part of this episode was the return of Tom Cavanagh as Earth-2's Harry Wells. His presence was definitely missed in the first two episodes, and his return immediately elevates the show.


Although he comes to Earth-1 with Jesse because of her speedster powers, the pair are (thankfully) sticking around a while longer.

Will this be another full season gig, or are they going to be back on Earth-2 after a few episodes? There's surely a gap in Team Flash for Wells, while Jesse is a speedster now, so hopefully they'll be around for much longer.
