The Flash Season 3 Premiere: 10 Big Questions We're Asking After 'Flashpoint'

The series is finally back. So, what exactly was the point in this, Flash?

By James Hunt /

The Flash Season 3 is finally here, and that means one thing: Flashpoint!


The event, which was setup in the Season 2 finale and has been teased since then, takes inspiration from a major comic book arc, but plays out in much smaller fashion.

With no other Justice League members to call upon, Flashpoint here finds Barry Allen reunited with both parents in a world where he's no longer the hero. Instead, Central City's saviour is Wally West, aka Kid Flash (just don't call him that). Cisco Ramon's the richest man in America, Barry doesn't really know Joe or Iris, Joe is an alcoholic (for reasons that go unexplained), Caitlin is an eye doctor, and the only people who know the truth are him and Eobard Thawne.

It's an interesting concept, and The Flash has plenty of fun with the idea, much like last year's Earth-2 two-parter. The real strength of the episode is once again in Grant Gustin though, and how much he's able to convey the emotion that comes with Barry's relationship with his parents.

Like its titular character, however, it moves way too fast, and Flashpoint the universe ends before Flashpoint the episode does - but with a few twists left.

Overall it's a solid return of form, and leaves us with plenty of questions to ponder now Season 3 is underway.

10. So, Flashpoint Is Done Then?

So that's it, huh?


Flashpoint (the alt-reality) wasn't bad per se, just surprisingly brief. Even though the producers had said it wouldn't last all season, and it was likely to be finished up in the first half of Season 3, it was still a surprise to see it done with so soon.

Rather than being a whole new world, with a new fantastic point of view, it played out in similar fashion to Earth-2: there was fun to be had with the alt-version of the characters, a goldmine of Easter eggs, and then we were outta there.

Are we completely done with that world, or could parts of it seep back into the real one?
