The Simpsons: 10 Best Couch Gags

Which Simpsons Couch Gag stands above the rest?

By Liam Clark /

The Simpsons has become one of the most iconic and longest running animated series in history. The show is currently on its 32nd season and seems to have no intent on slowing down.


One of the stables in the show's history has become the famous couch gag. The couch gag features at the beginning of each episode after the intro, with the couch gag being different every episode.

There have been a variety of creative couch gags and crossovers over the years, with many guest animators trying their hand at creating their own version of the famous gag. This has seen directors and animators such as Michal Socha and Guillermo del Toro direct their own couch gags which has created some of the most visually pleasing and funniest jokes in the show's history. The couch gags have also featured numerous crossovers, some of which will be featured on this list.

The Simpsons have been more ambitious with their couch gags as the show has continued into its later seasons, with the couch gags becoming a spectacle at times. Here are the ten greatest couch gags (in no particular order).

10. Game Of Thrones Parody

First Appearance: "Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart" (23x15)


The Simpsons is known for its great parodies of popular media over the years, with the couch gag becoming one of the best ways for the show to explore media parodies.

From parodies of Breaking Bad and Avatar, the show has used the couch gag to put the Simpsons characters in the world of some of the most popular media. The Game of Thrones couch gag from season 23 is a particular highlight in the long list of couch gag parodies.

Game of Thrones was one of the most popular shows in television history, and had one of the most interesting intros on television. Seeing the Simpsons parody this was clever in the usage of landmark Simpsons locations, including the use of the Nuclear Power Plant being the result of the Three-Eyed Ravens and the Simpsons being dressed as characters from the popular series, along with the iconic opening theme from the hit series.
