The Simpsons: 20 Most Emotional Moments Of All Time

You've either cried at The Simpsons at least once or you're a liar.

By Lewis Howse /

Although there may have been a serious dip in the show's quality in recent years, The Simpsons is still (rightfully) regarded as one of, if not the, funniest television show of all-time. Even today, when most of the writer's from the glory days have moved on and plots are getting more and more ridiculous (did anyone like That 90s Show?), they're still capable of raising at least a couple of chuckles per episode.


Even if it's 'not as good as it used to be' it can still be better than most things on television, when it gets it right. As well as being gut-bustingly hilarious, The Simpsons also has a much softer side and can even bring viewers to tears. What do you mean, 'there's nothing wrong at crying at a cartoon?'. Stop laughing, then, and admit that you too have cried at The Simpsons in the past.

There's no shame in it. The Simpsons explores themes that touch us all (the loss of loved ones, failed relationships, family feuds etc.) and can actually make rather profound points about love, friendship and family. After spending so much time with the characters, we begin to empathise and relate to them a lot more than is probably healthy. So let's look back at the twenty most emotional Simpsons moments of all-time.

20. 'Do It For Her' - And Maggie Makes Three (s6e13)

Okay, here's what you need to do: lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.
