The Walking Dead: 10 Best Deaths So Far

Deaths so rough that they hurt us too.

By George Koutsakis /

Anyone who has ever watched The Walking Dead knows that death occurs as often as dialogue between the characters.


Loved characters get decapitated, eaten by zombies, or murdered by friends and enemies. The gory violent deaths are one of the most entertaining parts of the show and the writers have always done a great job of building up characters and emotional connections before bringing it all crumbling down with their sudden deaths.

After the events of Season 7 we're now headed towards the major conflict from the comics known as All Out War, so it's unlikely The Walking Dead is going to slow down anytime soon, or change its approach to violence and death.

The deaths shown on the show so far evoke all kinds of emotions. We’ve felt sad because characters we loved were killed, we’ve felt angry because characters we hate have killed people that were pretty cool, shock because some deaths were downright crazy graphic, and immense satisfaction when annoying characters we all hated finally met their match.

Be it by a human’s hand or a zombies mouth, here are the top deaths shown in The Walking Dead so far, which made fans worldwide tremble with emotion in front of their screens.

10. Gareth

Gareth was the head of the Hunters and got what he deserved after almost killing Rick, Daryl, Glenn and Bob at Terminus.


In the church Rick and the group kill some of Gareth’s men and shoot Gareth’s fingers off before coming out of the shadows and making the men kneel. Gareth tries to get Rick to let them go but instead a brutal mass killing begins as Rick cuts the hell out of Gareth with his machete, Sasha brutally kills Martin and Abraham smashes the other Hunter’s face to bits with the butt of his gun.

During the killings Glenn and Maggie stay back, shocked by their berserk friends.
