The Walking Dead: 10 Major Predictions For The Rest Of Season 6

Death, death, and more death.

By James Hunt /

Get ready for a Valentine's Day massacre. The Walking Dead returns on Sunday Feb 14, because blood and guts says Happy Valentine's better than flowers and chocolates. The mid-season premiere has been billed as the biggest yet (although they say that every season), but it does mean that there will be all sorts of chaos and misery for the characters we love. The first half of Season 6 was a bit of a mixed bag, as it always is with The Walking Dead. Most of it was dominated by the misjudged Glenn cliffhanger, which hung over the show for numerous episodes even despite the clear indications that he would indeed survive, and really stopped any possible momentum. There were also whole episodes without Rick and Daryl, the Wolves came and (mostly) went, and we had an extended-hour dedicated just to Morgan's backstory. Although at least it gave us Tabitha (RIP). On the plus side, there's a lot to build on for Season 6B. Deanna has died, meaning the original Alexandrians have even less control than before in the Safe Zone, though that name isn't all that appropriate given it has been taken over by a walker hoard, with Rick, Carl and co covering themselves with guts to escape, and tension between two of the groups main members. Meanwhile, Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha are becoming property of the one character everyone has been desperate to meet. Negan's coming, but there's an awful lot that could happen before then (note: contains spoilers from the comics).