The Walking Dead: 10 Most Badass Rick Grimes Moments
How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?

Season 8 of the Walking Dead begins October 22nd and through seven seasons and 99 episodes thus far, The Walking Dead has proved two things for certain: The dead will rise up and try to eat your face, and former Sheriff’s Deputy Rick Grimes is one badass dude.
A badass is defined as a tough, uncompromising, intimidating person and viewers of AMC’s hit zombie show will already recognize those as traits often exhibited by everyone's favourite walker slaying ex-cop.
From head splitting slices to nose mutilating punches to snappy, sarcastic quips Rick Grimes has captivated audiences and earned the fear and respect of those he shares the Walking Dead universe with. It's not a coincidence that the popularity of the word badass has spiked alongside the popularity of The Walking Dead television series.
What exactly is it that makes Rick Grimes such a badass? Is it the beard? The Colt Python? His pronunciation of the name Carl? There's no doubt he possesses some intangible traits that give him a certain je ne sais quoi but let’s take a look at some of his more physical (and bloody) moments.
10. Roadkill

Rick's attempt to peacefully free an injured Carol and captive Beth from Grady Memorial Hospital via a hostage exchange goes awry when Officer Bob (one of his captives) tries to escape. Rick jumps into a nearby police cruiser (which just so happens to be Bob's personal cruiser) and runs Bob down at a high rate of speed, sending Bob flying through the air landing hard onto the asphalt.
Adding the finishing touches to his vehicular assault Rick exits the cruiser, draws his Colt Python, and shoots Bob in the head before telling the now-deceased officer to “Shut up.”
Running an escaping hostage down with any vehicle is badass in itself. Using the victim’s own vehicle, with a pre-apocalypse smiling picture of him and his family staring back at you from the dashboard while you do it is on a whole other level.