The Walking Dead: 5 Best Ways Of Transportation

By Regan Williamson /

Walkers are everywhere, you're in a group and you need to get from A to B. You have a lot of supplies and goods you must take with you. Or are you just going on a quick run to grab some extra supplies or find a missing person!? Where are you going to find this vehicle? Can it hold everything you need? Will you be safe from the Walkers? This article will consider different means of transport and when you'll need to use it and where you could find it. Please Click "Next" to Continue...

5. Bus

Buses are almost perfect if you're trying to get your group of survivors from one place to another. Obviously, this depends on route but with a bus you can definitely get in your group (Whether they are 5, 10 or 20 of you). You also have a lot of space for supplies and goods. If you were to have a prison bus - even better! Although, a usual bus with some work done to it would be good too. Board up the windows a little and maybe throw something onto the front of your bus to divert any zombies (as maybe seen in "TranZit" on Call of Duty: Black Ops 2). You could go a step further and completely pimp out your bus and go with something similar to what they did with "Dawn of the Dead". Buses will either be found on the side of the street, even the middle of the street seeing as the world has fallen to pieces or of course at large Bus Stations. "Next" to Continue...