The Walking Dead: How Do Your Favourite Characters Die In The Comics?

Barbed wire bats, a crossbow to the eyeball, and a cyborg... Yes, really.

By Michael Potts /

The Walking Dead comic books were a big deal long before Rick Grimes & Co. came to life on our screens. Robert Kirkman's creations first came to life in 2003, with 145 issues to date, though there are still plenty more to come. When you hear rumours about a potential 12 seasons of The Walking Dead TV show, don't be too surprised. There's an incredible wealth of source material that can be shaped for television, it just depends on whether they can maintain the audience long enough to broadcast it all. The comic books are a long way ahead of the show, though there are some big, surprising changes, with characters dead or non-existent in the comics and vice versa. Some characters have even taken others' places in death scenes, and methods have been swapped around. Now let's take a look at some of the biggest deaths in the comics and how differently each of them plays out between the two platforms. Of course, there are going to spoilers from here on in, though some future deaths are actually impossible to take place. We may never see them in The Walking Dead show, but still, proceed with caution...