The Walking Dead Season 6: 10 Questions We’re Asking After ‘Now'

Love (and a zombifying virus) is in the air...

By Michael Potts /

Another instalment, another episode without an answer for the question we've been asking for weeks now. In fact, this entire article will steer clear of the G-word. Episode 5 gave fans a look at the (anti-climactic) fallout from the wolves' merciless attack, and tried to make us care about the numerous Alexandrians who must have been very good at hide and seek in Episode 3. Flashbacks aside, the Walking Dead Season 6 has all taken place inside one day. If the first three episodes were a frantic morning and Episode 4 was a pleasant story time over lunch, then Episode 5 was nap time on a lazy Sunday afternoon. It wasn't the worst run of the show, but considering there are some enormous pressing issues at hand, it felt somewhat slow and meandering without really getting anywhere. It was a filler episode in comparison to the other four so far this season, and while it was nice to see some of the fringe characters impressing, not a lot of it really added to the overall story. There were some cool moments scattered throughout, while one of the episode highlights was a shock announcement by Maggie. However, the show is still overshadowed by the unconfirmed whereabouts of her husband (I didn't say the name...) and until we find out more, all fans can do is continue to raise questions about every other aspect of the show...