The Walking Dead Season 6: 10 Questions We’re Asking After ‘The Same Boat'

'Negan' is dead, long live Negan...

By Michael Potts /

In the grand scheme of things, we'll hopefully look back at Episode 13 as a welcome breather surrounded by carnage. The Walking Dead has been in frantic form since the mid-season, and that's exactly how the fans want it to be served. 'The Same Boat' returned to The Walking Dead's raw roots, with some brutal kills and horror-filled moments, but it did feel like a sideways step. We've entered the final quarter of a rollercoaster season, meaning that if the final trio of episodes are fast-paced wild rides, it will justify the time spent on the lower key Episode 12. Maggie and Carol's journey was detailed, but it didn't drive the plot forward onto bigger things, though a whole batch of Negan questions have been cooked up. This steady buildup of Negan's reputation needs to pay-off big time. I'm sure it will, but until then, the questions will continue to mount up. Here are 10 of the most pressing that fans are asking following Episode 13.

10. How Will This Episode Impact The Rest Of The Season?

The Walking Dead follows up outrageous episodes with filler too often for my liking, and while it would be bold to claim Episode 13 is purely just 'there', it's difficult to see the point in a slow-burner this late in the season. We've already explored the theme of morality when it comes to killing. Carol does the necessary dirty work, and Maggie is gradually shifting that way, but which aspects of 'The Same Boat' will carry across into the rest of the season? The new characters we met were all butchered, the location trashed, and there doesn't appear to be any lingering consequences of the events that took place. Will this episode be referenced again, and was it necessary?