The Walking Dead Season 6: 10 Things Episode 4 Got Right

Slow, steady, splendid.

By Michael Potts /

The Walking Dead just had its 'Batman Begins' episode. Morgan looked down and out, finished. He didn't have long left on this planet - until Eastman. The main story was put on pause so we could delve into the returning star's background, and fans got to see where he picked up his non-lethal fighting skills. Morgan can't kill, but he's a warrior who wants justice. We've heard that before somewhere, right? He starts off as we left him in Season 3's one-off episode, clinging onto the last remnants of who he once was. Morgan's seen more than his fair share of death, but he's been dishing it out by the barrel-load. He meets Eastman, a relatively mild-mannered, extremely conveniently-placed forensic psychiatrist who nurtures his mind back to some level of sanity, putting him back on the path to redemption. Some people were underwhelmed and/or disappointed by the episode, others heralded it as the greatest of all time (GOAT pun intended), when in reality it's very much in between. As an individual episode, it's fantastic, though it did feel needlessly extended and mostly irrelevant to the main plot. However, there were plenty of things the show got absolutely right, so here's a rundown of the best aspects of Episode 4...
