The Walking Dead Season 6: 14 WTF Moments From 'Twice As Far'

Denise gets an eyeful as she goes off the deep end, whilst one of the show's veterans makes a surprising departure.

By Andrew Pollard /

So, with only two episodes to follow this week€™s Twice as Far, consequences were again dealt out with this latest outing for AMC€™s The Walking Dead. What was seemingly just a couple of standard missions for our familiar group soon went sour on several fronts: Eugene and Abraham€™s jaunt ended up in the two falling out and Eugene somehow getting captured by the Saviors, whilst Denise€™s debut trek out of Alexandria ended up with her having an arrow shot through her head. In Twice as Far, the ante was certainly upped, largely because we were given the death of one of Alexandria€™s key figures. After all, Denise is the answer to any of the community€™s medical issues. Not anymore though, for having an arrow split through your skull is never a good thing. With Denise dead and tensions high, the episode then has a major shocker at its conclusion as we find out that Walking Dead mainstay Carol has decided to up ship and set sail away from Alexandria. Following last week€™s apparent bout of self-discovery and realisation of what she has become, it appears that Carol€™s viewpoint on this world has taken a stark turn to what we€™re accustomed to seeing. All of this and more made Twice as Far an episode filled with shocking, surprising and outright random WTF moments, and here€™s the very best of them.

14. Morgan€™s Prison

Ever the peaceful soul these days €“ y€™know, after being a complete loon previously €“ we€™ve regularly seen Morgan talk about a less lethal approach to the threats that promise to lurk up on Alexandria. Even when the sh*t really hits the fan, the apparent Master of Zen is more against killing than Eugene is at the thought of having his beloved mullet trimmed. As such, we see here that Morgan€™s actually made a prison cell for if Rick and Co. ever need to lock someone up. Sure, it€™s an alternative method to having to kill somebody, but we all know that every good Walking Dead prison cell needs a goat to accompany it.