The Walking Dead Season 6: 15 WTF Moments From The Mid-Season Premiere

Dead, dead, and more dead.

By Andrew Pollard /

So, The Walking Dead is back, and it€™s most definitely back with an almighty bang! After the mid-season finale left us with all sorts of cliffhangers, No Way Out was a mid-season premiere that firmly reminded us just why it is that we all love The Walking Dead so much. It was a crammed episode that was laden with many shocking twists and turns, and it looks as if the landscape of the show has once again changed. Here we got to see Glenn and Maggie finally reunite, Daryl et al manage to outwit Negan€™s goons, and watched as all went massively pear-shaped for Rick Grimes and his crew as they attempted to go incognito through a walker-strewn Alexandria. Some would make it, a few wouldn€™t, and even those who survived didn€™t necessarily do so without sacrifice. No Way Out was a fantastic return for arguably the very best show on TV, and it was a return overflowing with shocking, hard-hitting WTF moments.


15. Sh*t Sandwich

Okay, so we first pick things back up with Daryl, Sasha and Abraham as they€™re faced by a group of Negan€™s followers. Following a back and forth of gnarly, through-gritted-teeth dialogue, the conversation then takes a turn. A turn towards sh*t. The apparent leader of this ragtag group of wrong €˜uns seems to have a penchant for poo, an excitement for excrement, is a fan of faeces, and is tripped-out on turds as he gives a perplexed Daryl and Co. advice on how to eat sh*t. You don€™t nibble it, apparently, you €œbite, chew, swallow, repeat€. Err, right, thanks for that.