The Walking Dead Season 6: 7 Things The Comic Con Trailer Shows Us

Daryl in danger and Rick off the rails

By Ginny Alexander /

Whilst the blockbuster movies like to believe they still dominate the Comic-Con stage, they have definitely had to move over and share the spotlight with the small screen in recent years as the golden age of tv has arrived. 


For the last 5 years, the cast of the hit AMC series The Walking Dead has taken to the Hall H stage and dropped their trailer for their next season. This year’s fresh footage was quite possibly the most action packed trailer yet and promises a strong sixth season with violence, confrontation and, of course, plenty of walkers.

It all kicked off in the closing moments of the season 5 finale when Rick finally lost it and executed Pete just as Morgan arrived in Alexandria. The painfully growing tension between the Grimes' Gang and the sheltered survivors of Alexandria peaked in that final episode, setting the show up for a civil war at the beginning of the next season.

But trailer also reminds fans that when the group finally decides to stop squabbling amongst themselves, they've got bigger problems to deal with. The Comic Con panel teased that the premier episode will be a 90 minute special and feature a battle with a record 650 walkers, and the trailer certainly shows that they’re living up to this promise.

That's without mentioning the final moments of the trailer that will once again spark speculation that this season the fan favourite Daryl will bite the dust. 

The trailer is so packed with possible storylines, so here is some of the best to come!

7. Return Of The Walkers

With the exception of the Wolves' attack on Daryl and Aaron, the last season of the show was arguably dry when it came to surprise walker attacks, especially seeings as before they were taken Alexandria the gang were just wandering around in the forest.


But this season, the dead are back and in greater numbers. As previously mentioned, the Comic Con panel teased that the first episode on will be a 90 minute special and feature a record 650 walkers.

This sudden surge was to be expected as during the last episode of The Talking Dead, a show runner confirmed the growth in walkers ahead of time: "for a good while now, humans have been the bigger threat. At the start of our next season, that will change."

Towards the end of the trailer, the footage becomes heavy with walkers and two members of the group become surrounded. The show has also given some of the walkers a makeover, with one walker (at 3:13 in the trailer) emerging from the ground with almost no flesh and possibly the return of the fire walkers (at 3:17).

The return of the show on October 12th certainly promises to bring dead with it.
