TV Review: Eastbound & Down 3.3, 'Chapter 16'

Just when you can’t think Kenny Powers can’t possibly be a worse parent he goes and puts his son Toby in a hole in the beach, then covers Toby with a towel so he won’t get stolen whilst he surfs.

By Dave Harvey /

rating: 4

Just when you think Kenny Powers can€™t possibly be a worse parent he goes and puts his son Toby in a hole in the beach, then covers Toby with a towel so he won€™t get stolen whilst he surfs. Luckily that was the extent of torture for Toby this week as the episode largely focused on Kenny€™s new rivalry with a Russian, Stevie€™s jealousy of Shane and ended with an unexpected death. Following on from Chapter 15, Stevie and his wife arrive in Myrtle Beach to live with Kenny and look after Toby. Stevie immediately goes running off to find Kenny surfing at the beach, our first cringeworthy moment comes when Kenny introduces Shane (Jason Sudekis) casually as his best friend. You can feel the knife go into Stevie€™s back. It€™s then made worse by Shane tackling Stevie to the ground and mimes bumming him, much to Kenny€™s childish approval. We also see the return of Matthew McConaughey as €˜Roy McDaniel€™, still the best thing he€™s done since €˜Dazed and Confused€™, and he intends to enlist Kenny as a Mr. Miyagi type figure for the Mermen€™s new recruit €˜Ivan Dochenko€™, a new pitcher brought in from Russia. Kenny does little to hide his feelings toward this, and his jealousy of Dochenko€™s 102mph throw. Kenny then proceeds to embarrass himself when meeting him with his dated knowledge of Russia. Kenny had some great lines this week, a true redneck poet, especially when he discusses the power of a trident at an abandoned cement factory where he has taken Dochenko to train, €˜The trident; Poseidon, God of the oceans weapon of choice. Ancient Mermen used this weapon in battle, fighting crustacean armies and all the shrimps and jellyfish in the sea.€™ It€™s true to Kenny€™s character that he thinks an abandoned cement factory can be the equivalent of ancient Chinese ruins. He proceeds to try and get Dochenko to do a series of degrading tasks but to no avail, such as crawling down into a hole to murder a rat. Stevie€™s jealousy of Shane was fun to watch, as was finding out the feeling was mutual when Shane attacks him by asking what purpose he serves in Kenny€™s life. Stevie proves himself with an inspiring speech to Kenny to encourage him to play. That still doesn€™t help though as Kenny is pulled from the game after the batter hits it out the park on the third pitch. Stevie holding Toby in the air like Simba to further inspire Kenny didn€™t work, and the Russian pitcher is put on. The episode had an unexpected ending as Kenny and Shane decide to sniff their sorrows away on a coke binge that culminates in Kenny jigging along to The Bangles €˜Walk like an Egyptian€™ whilst Shane overdoses, has a heart attack and drops dead behind him. Should of guessed that would happen in the foreshadowing moments before as Kenny and Shane jump up and down shouting €˜Never Say Die!€™ It will be sad to see the end of Sudekis€™s guest spots on the show, Shane and Kenny were pretty much identical, kindred rednecks. Nevertheless Stevie will be there to pick up the pieces, and change Toby€™s diaper. Best Kenny line: Kenny shouts at Stevie after he remodels Toby€™s room; €˜I don€™t want my dojo to look like a place the Cabbage Patch Kids come to fuck.€™