Well season four of the Walking Dead is officially over. Fans waiting with baited breath for a climactic finale got half of what they wanted - a tense and brutal episode punctuated by a frustrating cliffhanger. Since its inception, the Walking Dead has had a troubled run - at least when you count critical reception over ratings. From its near perfect first season to its fatally flawed third, this show has somehow managed to hold onto its popularity despite AMC replacing its showrunner twice. Since the hiring of Scott M. Gimple in the role, it seems AMC's The Walking Dead is back on track - season four, while very oddly paced in the latter half, proved to be the most consistently good run the show has had since its first season headed by Writer/Director Frank Darabont (whose presence is still sorely missed on this show). To honor the barren summer months spent without The Walking Dead, I have compiled a list of the best episodes in this show's gore-ridden run. Enjoy! Any episodes you think deserved a slot here? Let me know in the comments section and we can continue the discussion!