The Walking Dead: 13 Things That Make No Damn Sense

By Edward Owen /

Ok, I know what you're going to say €“ 'it's a show about zombies, and they're impossible. Why talk about the suspension of disbelief elsewhere?' Hell, I guess you're right. When the dead do rise from the Earth, you totally can let a lot of seemingly incongruous stuff fly by. But this is a rampant over-analysis €“ massively over-thinking the little things is all par for the course. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Walking Dead. I love it down to its last disease-encrusted walker, its last morally ambiguous survivor and the desolate world it creates. Robert Kirkman's adapted comic has given me many hours of joy, and with season 4 going from strength to strength at the moment, I hope it'll continue to give me many more. In fact, these imperfections just make it all the more endearing €“ after all, nobody's ever really tried to bring the zombie apocalypse to the screen on this scale before, so there was bound to be a few bumps in the road. But still, we can be thankful they did it. So please, don't think I'm being an a*se €“ I come to praise the Walking Dead, not to bury it. If you don't watch it, you should, and you should stay away from this SPOILER-rife article. I'm serious €“ go away, and watch the show for yourself. Occasionally it stumbles and falls, but the very fact someone can shoot a gripping series about something which used to be a sub-genre and turn it into one of the biggest shows on TV is a testament to the writing, the acting and the directing. But though the execution is always pretty damn excellent (Kirkman knows good plot, Greg Nicotero and his boys give good gore and the showrunners have all been pretty decent, stint-on-a-farm aside) they occasionally slip up, so I thought it might be good to show when this happens.