The Walking Dead Season 4: 10 Reasons To Be Concerned

By Eric Morlang /

Season 4 of The Walking Dead is finally here. And so is another showrunner. Frank Darabont was in control for season 1 and the first half of season 2, Glen Mazzara gained power for the latter half of season 2 and all of season 3, and now Scott M. Gimple is stepping up to the helm for season 4. Watching the series as a whole is like watching Dr. Frankenstein€™s monster come to life. Large pieces from separate sources make up the anatomy of the series. Each showrunner has a different style and attitude towards the show, and they've been sewn together along the way. What€™s more is the show has become an irrefutable monster in the ratings. Perhaps the show is aptly named The Walking Dead because every time it looks like the show is going to die, AMC chops off the old legs and attaches some new ones. They€™re determined to keep it going whether or not the show maintains a unified storyline and style. Are there zombies throughout the series? Of course! But the show€™s also at risk of becoming one. Trudging along ages after it may be necessary to put it down. Has that day come? I don€™t think so, but I panic every time they attach a new pair of legs. I€™m always wary of change. Whether it€™s as small as changing my hat or as large as a zombie apocalypse, I get nervous. Change brings risk, and risk brings panic. I find solace in the fact that Gimple has been on The Walking Dead staff for a while. He€™s written some great episodes as a producer and supervising producer since season 2. For example, he wrote Pretty Much Dead Already (S2, E07) which features Sophia€™s exit from the barn. He€™s certainly willing and capable of flaunting dark subject matter, evoking harsher realities when hope tries to come out and play. Like Daryl€™s necklace of zombie ears, Gimple certainly has some trophies to back up his new position. But like I said, I get nervous about the smallest things. I'm not as brave and stoic as Rick; in a zombie apocalypse, I'd keep my headphones on. So here are 10 things I'm concerned about as we continue into season 4 of The Walking Dead. Be careful though, there will be spoilers from the first 3 episodes of season 4 lurking in this article.