The Walking Dead Season 4: 6 Things That Will Happen Next

AMC's zombie blockbuster is going to shuffle back onto our screens soon, and we can only guess at where Rick and company are going to go from here.

By Brent DiNunzio /

Fans are counting down the days as they anxiously await the premiere of The Walking Dead: Season 4B. Last time we tuned in we witnessed a bloodbath like never before seen up to this point as the Governor showed his true colours and finally assaulted the prison where Rick and company had been holed up for a season and a half. Those that follow the comic book knew this day was coming but those that do not comic were in for quite a shock, and a tank-based shock at that. With the Governor's attack on the prison a success (even it if it resulted in him losing his own life) the main cast of the show are scattered. Rick and Carl are on their own with Judith presumed dead, a school bus full of other characters has taken off and a number of other central characters are left hitting the open road as the prison is no longer safe. The question that any fan of the show has is where do things go from here for the rest of season 4? TWD spent a lot of time investing in the prison and making it a safe haven for the survivors, but that's no longer the case thanks to the attack by the Governor. Here's a look at where we might end up with the rest of season 4. Warning though: This piece does contain some speculative SPOILERS based on the Walking Dead comic book and the events on the show up to this point. Don't go further if you want to avoid any spoilers.