The Walking Dead Season 4: 7 Huge Contrivances That Led To Great Scenes

Of course, "convenience" in the world of The Walking Dead rarely means anything good for the characters.

By Laura Hurley /

The Walking Dead is a show about zombies. Obviously. It follows the story of a ragtag bunch of humans as they try to survive in a world in which the dead walk and the living attack. Resources are short. The men look like they've been living rough. The women look...perfectly kempt with the occasional smudge of blood or dirt. Everybody has white teeth and uses gasoline for everything. Basically, it is a show that requires a whole lot of suspension of disbelief, and most of the time, audiences are willing to suspend away. After all, if we're willing to accept dead people walking around and trying to eat the living, we have to be willing to overlook the dental hygiene. Still, even in a show about zombies, there are some scenes that require more than just a slight suspension of logic. Sometimes, everything is just a little bit too convenient. Of course, "convenience" in the world of The Walking Dead rarely means anything good for the characters. This is not a show for the squeamish, and the best scenes are usually those where everything falls apart. If we're lucky, those scenes are good enough that we won't even notice any flaws in writing or reasoning. Other times, not even the most exciting sequences are enough to overshadow the contrivances that got them to that point. Here is a list of the 7 most heavily contrived moments (in chronological order) from Season 4... that we cannot help but watch over and over again.